Sunday, July 26, 2009

Myths that make up our daily lives

The govt.'s take on inflation at -1.56%, could be circuitously extrapolated to infer that the neighbourhood priest and kirana-wala have the best pedigree in leading honest lives.
Think through - if you take one who preaches homilies, at face-value, without a peek at what lies behind the smokescreen, you may find a Ajmal Amir Kasab, the terrorist who wishes to be hanged, because he says, 'I wish to be punished by the people who I have sinned against, rather than by God, himself!'
Wow, conscience - thy name is Kasab!
A plethora of garbage is packaged as news bytes in print and the electronic-media, including tweets and wall-posts on FB. Garbage, that not only wastes your time and energy but manages to perpetrate some fabulous myths. This, in a simple moment of reflection would not only get busted, but lead to detoxification of a kind that you may begin to have withdrawal symptoms!
Just sample a few of them -
  1. Inflation is negative
  2. Aided by overseas capital (inflow)...we are in a 'falling interest rate regime'
  3. Infrastructure development is happening ...TINA (there is no alternative)
  4. Any businessman who is doing well must be cracking a few crooked deals
  5. A business or technical degree-holder is a professional
  6. Service providers loot their customers through the fees they charge, and .....I can go on and on, but that will defeat the purpose!
Now, let me help you analyze -
  1. The growth in your bills - grocery, utility - viz. electricty, etc. and your monthly salary - Yes Sir! Your competence aside, the contribution of inflation is significant.
  2. India will attract lots of portfolio and FDI, which will drive investments & growth...but a lot of which will also drive inflation and push interest rates higher.
  3. Investments in infrastructure is on...albeit at a pace slower than we would like....this drives up costs and risks, as a result end-user affordability may go for a toss!
  4. Businessmen essentially are entrepreneurs who risk career & capital to stay afloat. They use their resourcefulness to survive - because he knows there will be no bail-outs (remember Citi Bank and Air India?). His resilience adds to the resilience of the economy. In contrast, the middle class white-collar cribs at every opportunity - they will make you believe that they are doing society a favor by clinging on to their 'risk-free middle-class heritage' no less!
  5. A degree holder and that's his badge - he is the self-anointed 'professional'. Ask him about his 'professional ethics' and he might shoot back - Aw, come on, what's that?
  6. Service providers, if they are lawyers, as Mr. Chidambaram had famously remarked - They don't provide any service hence they need not pay any service tax! A big 'thank you' to Pranab-da for ensuring, that, now, lawyers are also 'service providers'. By the same yardstick, financial advisors have been providing service to their clients for a long time.
If you fail to understand how inflation eats into your long-term savings and can't seek remedies for it; If you are bullish on India because the 'firangs with money have nowehere else to go'; If you believe that all businessmen cheat and are a threat to the country's growth and prosperity; If you are happy to be 'professionally' qualified, without being 'qualified' to discharge your responsibilities like a professional; If it inflates your ego to be treated like 'royalty' by rogues masquerading as Wealth Managers at your bank (incidentally they too belong to the 'middle-class white-collar') -
Then, you are bloody right, to tell any advisor who dares to ask you for a fee for managing your hard-earned money to ****-***!!!!!


  1. This is hard hitting Blog from a usually soft-spoken person like yourself. It must be particularly hard to comments on the aspects that are connected with your own business in one way or other.

  2. You are right! The business of life or the life of business is about making meaningful progress, and, what better way than busting a few myths that abound in your own area of competence or profession. I'll be glad if this piece helps in removing the clutter that abound in our minds.

  3. oh very well written - i completely agree. i love the clarity that your article adds to my otherwise messed up head [only when it comes to finance though ;) ]
